
Awesome month for Klugit Energy 🤟

First of all sorry for the long period without updates here in our blog.
We have been quite busy preparing these major achievements that were closed this month of June. Let me tell you all about them:

  1. First paid pilot and first invoice of Klugit Energy! - 15 prototypes were shipped and are now being installed. We will use the feedback from these 15 beta-testers to improve our smart mode algorithm and initiate load-shifting to lower demand periods. More info coming soon!
  2. Second paid pilot confirm with a major Portuguese utility. More info also coming soon!
  3. Our scientific paper in collaboration with E-Redes (PT DSO) called Flexible load management: How DSOs can benefit from energy efficiency plugs for water heating management was approved for CIRED 2021.
  4. Our founders, Tiago Bandeira and Carla Antunes were invited to participate in a podcast. Listen here to a bit of Klugit's history (Portuguese only unfortunately).

Stay tuned, this is only the begging!

2021-06-23 14:25